Education Opens up the Mind
Oxford Vocational and Technical Training College, a British college accredited by the British Government No. (14167141), and recognized by the Directorate of Education, Youth, Sports and Culture of the European Union No. (E10307184), Erasmus grants, the European Solidarity Corps, and European National Union agencies.
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– Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today
Oxford College has strong experience in the field of education and training and seeks to transfer this experience to the countries of Africa and the Middle East, and to be the first and primary supporter of supporting distance education in the Middle East
Oxford College awards an internationally accredited scientific degree from the United Kingdom. The student can also approve it from each of: British Apostille. British Commonwealth. British Foreign Office. Student Embassy.
Distance education is a method of teaching students online. Lectures and assignments are sent online, and students attend their lectures from home, rather than in the classroom. As a result of the Corona pandemic, distance education strategies that are usually used in universities and colleges, have been adopted in primary and secondary schools as well. Many schools are now forced to provide distance education opportunities and implement these strategies efficiently and effectively.
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Why Choose Us?
Oxford College of Vocational and Technical Training in London seeks to be a leading college in its disciplines at the level of Europe and the Middle East.
Best Industry Leaders
It grants Oxford College for self-learning within the college, and provides the opportunity to join the Erasmus scholarships and the European Solidarity Corps.
Learn Online at Your Own Pace
Oxford College provides the opportunity for all students to study from anywhere, at any time and in any field in accordance with British academic and scientific laws and standards.
Professional Certification
Oxford College awards an internationally accredited scientific degree from the United Kingdom. The student can also approve it from each of: British Apostille. British Commonwealth. British Foreign Office. Student Embassy.

Trusted by Thousand of Students and Tutors

Emma Hart