Chemistry Department

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who should attend?
This program is aimed at:
-Chemical specialists, chemical laboratory workers wishing to hone their skills, and see everything new in this science
– All workers in chemistry-related fields, such as industrial, electrical, petroleum and energy companies
– Those interested in learning chemistry, and want real support for them, to apply for jobs in this field.
The program aims to:
– Graduation of chemical specialists to start working directly within chemical laboratories
-Linking theoretical knowledge to real-world applications in chemistry, and preparing to face real-world problems
-Developing knowledge and practical experience using scientific tools and techniques
-Building a foundation for students by presenting the basic and advanced topics in the fields of chemistry.
Program content:
In the chemistry program, we will address a range of units on the foundations of chemistry, chemical elements, their interactions, modern chemistry, and how to work within chemical laboratories:
1- The foundations of chemistry
2-Measuring chemical elements
3- Characteristics and balance of materials
4- Real and ideal gases
5- Thermal chemistry
6-Chemical reactions
7. Metabolism and cellular engineering
8-Interactive general chemistry technology
9-Proper use of laboratory equipment
10. The theory and practice of methods used in the chemistry laboratory
11. Separation and purification of organic compounds
12-Standard wet chemical methods
14- Research topics in modern chemistry
Looking for higher education, at the postgraduate level (Master’s, Professional Doctorate) ?