
Department of Digital Currency

العملات الرقمية
Recently there have been many new developments in the field of capital markets, payment tools, and financial contracts, where a real revolution has emerged in the world of financial trading, namely cryptocurrencies and digital currencies , which are offered as an alternative method of payment, or as a form of investment, in 2009 introduced the first cryptocurrency bitcoin and adopted by many countries, exchanges, companies, and entrepreneurs to change the world of finance and finance, where these digital currencies are technological innovations that will contribute significantly to shaping the technological and financial world in the future, so We designed this program that will help you understand new financial technologies, the process through which digital payments are made and value storage, and you’ll learn about the basics of cryptocurrency, mining, and financial trading.
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who should attend?

This program is designed for anyone interested in new forms of money, and aims to understand the strategy of investing in basic cryptocurrencies, entrepreneurs and all banking workers, financial sectors and those who want to learn about everything that is new in the financial markets and financial contracts.



This program aims to:
– Understanding cryptocurrencies as a means of exchange and payment, including facilitating regulated payments
– Strengthening students’ ability to effectively manage risks when dealing with cryptocurrencies
– Providing full knowledge of blockchain technology, and how it works
– Introducing students to how to invest cryptocurrencies
– Preparing students to become competent professionals in digital currency and blockchain technology



Program content:

1. Introduction to cryptocurrencies

2. The history of virtual currency from electronic gold to Bitcoin

3. The best digital currencies that are revolutionizing the financial markets at the moment, and how to invest in them

4. How cryptocurrencies are currently traded

5. How to determine the value of cryptocurrencies

6. Technical analysis of digital currencies

7. Cryptocurrency mining

8. Learn about smart contracts in the financial sector

9. Cryptocurrency platforms

10. Evaluating risk management techniques, and how to mitigate threats to your financial institution now and in the future

11. Blockchain and how it works

12. The basics of political, commercial and technical blockchain technology

Looking for higher education, at the postgraduate level (Master’s, Professional Doctorate) ?