Department of Islamic Studies

اتصل بنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني على أو أرسل استفسارًا تجاريًا عبر الإنترنت.
who should attend?
This program is aimed at:
-Mentoring, preaching to God around the world
-Workers in Islamic centres
-Students and graduates of Islamic Law Colleges
-Workers in the field of religious and legal consultations
-Those wishing to obtain a qualification enable them to work in all legitimate areas
The program aims to:
-Promoting belonging to the Islamic faith and knowing its impact on nation-building
-Introducing students to Islamic sciences, concepts, foundations, and entrances
-Introducing students to the islamic provisions of many religious texts in different areas of life
-Qualifying students to take up jobs in many religious fields
-Save many texts of the book and sunnah with mastery of recitation
-To provide the Islamic world with a lot of competencies that call for God Almighty
Program content:
1- An introduction to Islamic jurisprudence
2- The Islamic faith and its concept and foundations
3- Miracle of the Holy Quran
4. The origins of jurisprudence
5- The jurisprudence of worship/ the jurisprudence of the biography / the jurisprudence of the family
6. Contemporary doctrinal issues
7- Getting to know the sciences of the Qur’an and hadith sciences
8. Islamic Lawsuit, its curricula, origins and methods
9- Interpretations of many Qur’anic texts and prophetic hadiths
10- Memorizing some Qur’anic texts, recognizing the mastery of recitation
11. Skills for imama and oratory
12. Legitimate policy
Looking for higher education, at the postgraduate level (Master’s, Professional Doctorate) ?